Tuesday, July 14, 2009

So ... What Happens Now?

Hi Everyone!

Sorry it has been a while since we've updated. Life goes on, I guess! Bryan finished his Chemo Therapy and Radiation June 26th. It was such a wonderful day walking in to the Cancer Center for the "last time" (okay.. for a while) and being done with Round One! Life has been so much more relaxing these last few weeks now that Bryan doesn't have a Chemo Pump holding him back. We've been having a busy summer, and are looking forward to our vacation to Florida next month to see family!
So, what happens now? We sit and wait. Bryan is a much more patient person than I. This sucks! Bryan will see Dr. Greene, his Radiation Oncologist on July 29th to see how Bryan's feeling, etc... Then, on August 14th, Bryan will have new CT and PET Scans done to see if he responded to treatment, and if so, how much! Regardless, Bryan's surgery is on schedule for the first week of September! (Right when we get back from Florida.) We are praying that the scans on the 14th will show a tiny little tumor, if anything at all! The 14th is on a Friday, so of course we will have to wait the entire weekend, before seeing Bryan's Oncologist, Dr. Petrik on Monday, the 17th to learn the results of the scan. I imagine at this appointment we will also discuss surgery, what happens after surgery, etc ...

So that's where we are. Hurry up and wait! Thank you so much for your continued love & support!

Bryan's port site. (The irriation is because Chemo leaked out of the needle the last two weeks and gave him a severe Chemical Burn.)
He's such a trooper letting me take pictures of him. :O) Inside the blue bag is the Chemo Pump, you can see the tubing that connected it to his port site.

Bryan with his pump.


Bryan & Chelsey